December 27, 2011

The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself

Rant and Tip for December 27, 2011

The world meet is only 5 months away and I am still looking to raise the necessary funds to get there. If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact me and let me you. Thank you!

Quote “The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” Thales

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a couple of local papers. One of these articles ran on Christmas Day. It was titled “Kipp discovers the athlete within him”. I received a few comments and emails from friends and family. One email came from a friend I have not seen in many years, from a time when I was a restaurant manager. He told me a tale I was very familiar with. A story about a man who had gotten out of shape and then went back to the gym and workout steady for 2 years. Somehow after that he started to find excuses to not go. He was working with a trainer and even made up excuses not to go see him. I hear and see this all the time. This is why the quote of the day is “The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” My friend lost his motivation. To stay motivated really is an internal process. I can give you all the quotes on the world, tell you how to exercise and lose the body fat, and even motivate you through words of encouragement. However, the true motivation will come when you get to know yourself. Sometimes you need to dig deep with in your own mind and determine what you need to focus on to stay motivated. I will continue to converse with my friend and work on helping him find that internal motivation. I hope that by coming here daily you can find your personal internal motivation as well.

I will be working my legs today. Since the legs are a large muscle group which include the glutes, I should be pretty wiped out at the end of my workout. I will be performing squats, leg presses, and leg curls today. I am also going to change me schedule for workouts next week. I have said in my blog that sometimes I need to train like I am at a meet, well in a meet the squat is the first event followed by the bench press and then the deadlift. It is time to do just that. I will do work squats in the beginning of the workout week, bench press in the middle followed by deadlifts at the end of the week.

With working the legs today I will also need to fuel the body appropriately. I need to eat a good amount of healthy calories and be careful not to under eat. When we do not eat enough of nutrient rich foods our bodies will start to conserve any fuel it can. It will retain the fat just to make sure it has a fuel source for later. Have you ever noticed after summer that you feel the need to eat a little more than you should? This is your body’s response to centuries of winters when food was not readily available. It used to be that our bodies would put on a layer of fat to help it make it through the long winters. We don’t really need to put on that layer of food storage anymore. However our mind keeps telling us we do. We need to train the brain and stop doing the 3-ounce curls to the mouth. You need to learn when your body is hungry and in need of fuel and not in want of fuel.

Tip: Take a moment today to find your motivation. Is it looking into the eyes of your children and realizing the greatest gift you can give them is a healthy parent, or is it just taking a picture of someone fit and putting it on your refrigerator. It could be something as simple as just reminding yourself that you are worth it. You may be the person who always does for everyone else and that gives you great joy and if it is again I say get yourself in shape and you will be able to do that even longer.

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