February 3, 2012

SuperBowl Parties and Rotator Cuff Injury

Rant and Tip for February 3, 2012

Quote: “The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.” Richard Brinsley Sheridan

With Super Bowl weekend ahead of us if you are determined to succeed with all the foods at the parties ahead you must be determined to succeed.

I was talking to my son the other night and he said to me I should write about eating during celebrations. Like the Super Bowl. My brother in-law has a Super Bowl party every year. The food is abundant with a lot of variety. My sister in-law makes this delicious fried chicken which to be honest is breaded. I allow myself one piece and then it is to the veggie platter I go. I also enjoy the summer sausage and shrimp minus the cocktail sauce. My point here is you need to know what is going to be served at these celebrations. I know what is being served and will be bring something meeting my dietary needs as well. Fortunately wings are on my diet plan and I plan on enjoying them. If you plan properly you will not feel left out at any celebration. You will be part of the party and enjoying yourself as well.

So yesterday I worked the muscles that help stabilize my scapulas. I will have to start working them twice a week. I also had my sport physician check out my shoulder as well. She suggested that I start some rotator cuff exercises. I use to be very consistent with these exercises but have fallen away from them and now I believe I need to hit them with a vengeance. Being the power driven individual I am I have a hard time focusing on these exercises. I like handling heavy weights and these exercises require a lighter amount of weight and the range of motion limited. However they are a necessity.  Here are some exercises you can do to help.

  • External Rotation
    1. Lie on side opposite of working arm.
    2. Start position: Grasp dumbbell and flex elbow at 90deg keeping elbow in at side.
    3. Rotate arm outward keeping elbow at 90deg.
    4. Return to start position.
    5. Remember to keep elbow firmly secured to side. You may put a rolled towel between the elbow and side to facilitate rotation and secure form.  
  • Internal Rotation
    1. Lie on same side of working arm.
    2. Start position: Lying on a bench or bed grasp dumbbell and flex elbow at 90deg keeping elbow in at side. Forearm should start slightly below parallel to floor.
    3. Rotate arm upward keeping elbow at 90deg.
    4. Return to start position.
    5. Remember to keep elbow firmly secured to side. You may put a rolled towel between the elbow and side to facilitate rotation and secure form.

  • Horizontal Rotation
    1. Stand with your elbows at shoulder level and flexed at 90 degrees.
    2. Hold a weight plate in each hand and externally rotate your hands up towards the ceiling.
    3. Return to the starting position.

  • Horizontal Rotation
    1. Stand with your elbows at shoulder level and flexed at 90 degrees.
    2. Hold a weight plate in each hand and externally rotate your hands up towards the ceiling.
    3. Return to the starting position.
  • You can also simulate these exercises using a cable machine

Have a great workout!

Tip: When invited to a friends or family members house for a party or celebration offer to bring a dish that is in your dietary plan. You host or hostess will welcome the assistance in the menu and you will know you have something to enjoy

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