June 10, 2011

Rant and Tip for June 10, 2011

I was sitting enjoying a cup of hazelnut coffee at a bagel shop yesterday morning and saw a friend of mine. We got talking about diet and fat loss. This is getting to be a habit with me. Anyway he said another friend of his, I wonder what he pays him, told him fat loss is 80% diet. Well I told him I agreed. You can workout till you are red in the face but if your diet is not tight you will only put on muscle and tighten those abs under the fat. Now I am all for working out and tightening the muscles under the fat. When you lose the fat they will show nicely. All the crunches in the world will not get you six pack abs. Well that is not exactly true, you will get them, you just need to remove the layer of unwanted fat to see them. As you are all well aware I prefer the low carbohydrate way of eating. Others prefer low fat and they are thin and healthy. The one thing we both have in common is commitment. Like many of us we have a fear of commitment. It is the fear of having the same thing day in and day out. At least that is what I think it is. I know it can be tough to say no to some of the foods that you think you love. Lets take my diet as an example and a few conversations I have had in the past month or so. I recall a man who lives a low carb lifestyle that he thought he really missed pasta. Well he caved in and had some, the thing he came back with from this experiment was he did not miss the pasta, he missed the sauce and other ingredients that were on top of the pasta. Another friend just last night said to me, OMG you don’t ever get to eat pizza. I said yes I do, and told her I use a low carb wrap for the dough. By the way Atkins does sell a low carb protein rich flower for baking and I bet I could make a dough out of that. Anyway I just want to remind you if you commit yourself to a diet commit completely. You will build better habits and be thrilled you did. If you want to get some recipe ideas check out some of my friends’ links on the right side of this page.

Have a great workout!

Tip of the day:

To help yourself stay committed in the morning take 10 minutes for yourself and right down your menu for the day. Make sure you are getting what ever your allowance is based on the type of diet you choose, of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This will help you stay on track and when you are tempted to eat something that is off plan thing about what you read today. Heck


  1. Nice tip Jim. You know I'm a fan of preplanning meals!


  2. Plan and you will have success for sure. I've been helping two friends of mine get started with lowcarb, it's been really good for me to live and be an example of how easy and rewarding it is for them.

    Steph :)
