June 5, 2012

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Quote of the day: Fall seven times, stand up eight.

- Japanese proverb

This proverb applies to many aspects of life, especially since my dismal performance at the world meet. Also since seeing how well the Japanese performed, I feel it is only appropriate to throw some recognition their way. I may have fallen on my way to my goals at the world meet but I will push and strive to get there again. Most likely on the Masters team. At least that is my hope and wish. As you diet goes, think about how many times you have started a new eating plan only to fall off the wagon. The people who are successful are the people who recognize that just because you fall off it does not mean you have failed. It just means it is time to get back up. An animal is does not learn a new trick the first time you try to teach it to them. You start over and over again with the animal till they get it correct. Why would you sell yourself short and deny yourself the opportunity to succeed.

I have often discussed the benefits of strength training as we get older; today I thought I would discuss strength training for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not have a set age for when to get children into lifting. “The AAP’s position on strength training supports the implementation of strength and resistance training programs, even for prepubescent children, which are monitored by well-trained adults and take into, account the child's maturation level. The only limitation the AAP suggests is to avoid repetitive maximal lifts (lifts that are one repetition maximum lifts or are within 2-3 repetitions of a one repetition maximum lift) until they have reached Tanner Stage 5 of developmental maturity. Tanner Stage 5 is the level in which visible secondary sex characteristics have been developed. Usually, in this stage adolescents will also have passed their period of maximal velocity of height growth.” This above is courtesy of ProTrainerOnline.com. In addition to the above statement the article stated that strength conditioning could help increase bone density and help reduce sports related injuries. For children under the age of 8 body resistance exercises is what is suggested. Push-ups, pull-up, and body squats are very effective for young children. As they get older you can introduce weight training. Higher Reps and proper form are the recommended exercises.
Yesterday was squat day and I did much better than last week. I still have a lot of work ahead of me but I will reach my goals. Today I think I will bench again and see if my strength has improved from last week. I really think the jet lag killed me last week and I will have to see how things go today. I might even work deadlifts tonight at Cutting Edge with a member of Team OMG.

Have a great workout!

Tip:  Many people who are new to lifting will use the Smith machine for their workouts. They will squat and bench in this machine so as to always have a built in spotter. I have even used this machine in the past. However, it does create an unnatural motion in the squat and bench press. If you have to use this machine I would also suggest you start using Dumbbells to strengthen your stabilizing muscles. This is where you will really see an increase in your strength and size.

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