March 20, 2011

100% Raw Meet

I set the 100 % Raw 165 lb Bench Press record for the Masters Division.

This is a shot of one of my lifts.

I set the NYS 100% Raw 165 lb record Masters 2 division record.

I did not hit a personal best which I was hoping for. I made a technical error on my third lift. I lifted my head. This was a very well run event in Fayettville NY

Hunter Claypatch Ran a nice event. Thank you to the Fayetville YMCA for hosting the event.

This Federation has what seems to be a very long pause at the chest in the bench press competition. I am sure this is there way of doing things and it really makes sure it is a power competition. There is no way that anyone could get a bounce or boost off their chest. It is much more than a controled touch.

Bottom line I set the State Record and will compete again to set it at 315 next time I hope.