September 1, 2011

Rant and Tip for September 1, 2011

Watch the USAPL Bench Press Nationals Live Stream My class starts at 2:00 Saturday September 3rd.

Quote of the day: It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny. Jean Nidetch

It is not by chance that I lost the weight I needed to lose and it is not by chance that I am as fit as I am today. I chose to lose the weight and get fit. You can make that choice as well. Another quote I like is “There are 2 kinds of people in the world those who think they can’t and those who think they can. BOTH are right!” Are you going to make the choice TODAY?

The USAPL Bench Press Nationals are Saturday a mere 2 days away. I am ready. My weight is a pound below the 163 weight class and I am looking forward to some great lifts. My friend Ria has given me a relaxation exercise to use so I can envision the weight going up. I will set a new PR Saturday.

I do not know if I will be able to post tomorrow and I know I cannot post on Saturday. For those interested the link at the top of the page is the link to the live stream. I hope you all can watch and root me on from home. Today I may do some cardio just to keep the blood flowing. I went for a three mile run yesterday and it is amazing that without doing cardio for some time I can just get up and go. The first mile was just a warm up but the last two were fast enough the I had all 3 miles in under half an hour. My legs are pretty short so I am not a speed demon. Heck even when I run fast I have to take 2 steps to most guys 1.

Have a great workout!

Tip: I always tell you to drink lots of water, but do you know why? Water helps flush toxins and wastes from the body, hydrates cells, aids in digestion, and maintains the health of skin, hair, and nails. And as an extra bonus, water can help alleviate hunger by making you feel full.


  1. Good luck Saturday Jim!!!!

  2. Jim know we'll be watching and we're right there with you rooting you on !!!!!!!!!!!!
    steph :)
