April 11, 2012

Failure is an opportunity to succeed next time

Rant and Tip for April 11, 2012

Quote: “Failure is an opportunity to succeed next time, using it as an excuse it poppy cock, it is an excuse to not succeed”

I was talking to someone on Face Book last night and helping them with some exercise tips. They were wondering if they could do a pull-up. I directed them to my video on how to do an assisted pull-up and they said, they actually wondered if they could do it un-assisted. I told them to just give it a try. They told me they were afraid , I said “ of what” and that is when they said the “F” word. “FAILING” Now of course you now I jumped right on that. When we fail at something it really is just a way of telling us we have something to work towards. It is an opportunity for growth and an opportunity to succeed next time. A trainer friend of mine once told me that one way to thicken the back was by doing pull-ups. She said attempt 8 sets of 8. When I first started them I could not do them I need assistance to finish the last 2 or maybe 3 sets, however with hard work and due diligence I did get to the point of doing 8 sets of 8. It felt fantastic to pull them out and I turned that failure into success.

Board presses are the call tonight. My traps are still sore from Monday when I worked shoulders but it is a good sore. My shoulder joint pain has subsided and I will be sure to take some ibuprofen today to make sure any swelling stays down. I worked legs yesterday but had to stay away from the squat rack. Instead I pounded out some leg presses and leg curls. Continue to strive to new goals and if you fail at a new personal record, just look at it as an opportunity to get it next time and work hard to get it.

Have a great workout!

Tip: Perfect Your Form in the Push up Courtesy of Men’s Health
1. "When you're in a pushup position, your posture should look the same as it would if you were standing up straight and tall," says Vern Gambetta, the owner of Gambetta Sports Training Systems, in Sarasota, Florida. "So your hips shouldn't sag or be hiked, and your upper back shouldn't be rounded."

2. "Before you start, contract and stiffen your core the way you would if you had to zip up a really tight jacket," says Kaitlyn Weiss, a NASM-certified trainer based in Southern California. Hold it that way for the duration of your set. "This helps your body remain rigid—with perfect posture—as you perform the exercise."

3. "Don't just push your body up; push your hands through the floor," Gambetta says. You'll generate more power with every repetition.

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