February 24, 2012

"I am allergic to sugar, it makes me break out in fat"

Rant and Tip for February 24, 2012

Quote: "I am allergic to sugar, it makes me break out in fat" A fellow Atkineer

A friend of mind is assisting me in putting together a Concert Benefit to be held at Trick Shots in Clifton Park. We have a date set and are looking for some local bands that would like to play to assist in the benefit. If interested reach out to me via the email address above. The expenses are piling up for this world meet and representing the USA is looking to be more expensive than I originally thought. If interested in helping out please feel free to email me.

If you have any questions regarding diet and exercise feel free to reach out to me as well.

OK now let’s talk about eating. This can be a scary subject when you are trying to get fit, especially, if you have been over weight for some time. You get in the mindset that “If I eat too much I will not lose the fat I want to lose”. If your goal is to gain strength and build muscle, regardless of age, you need to heat to be successful and see gains.

Here is the thing if you are eating the right foods you will lose weight. Most guys need to consume an additional 2,500 to 3,500 calories a week to gain one pound of muscle. This can only happen if you are still young enough to have the testosterone to build that much muscle. You can pump iron until you're blue in the face, but if you don't augment your training efforts with enough food and fluid, the laws of human biology and simple mathematics dictate that you won't get any bigger. "When it comes to gaining muscle, the most important thing is getting enough calories to fuel both your exercise and the metabolic processes needed to build muscle," says Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., author of Power Eating. Most people who have trouble gaining muscle and strength simply aren't eating enough. Ladies this goes for you to. Again you will not get bulky you do not have the hormones to do so. You can however get that lean toned body that will make people turn heads.

I battle with this myself. It is very hard when you come from being overweight to being fit to realize you have to eat and eat a lot when you are exercising regularly. However, eating a bunch of junk high in sugar will still make you fat. You need to eat properly to lose fat and get fit. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication.

Shoulders and back will be my training today. Yesterday my shoulders were too fatigued to really get a good workout. So instead I added a second leg day. I feel fantastic today and look forward to hitting the gym at noon.

Have a great workout!

Tip of the day:

Here we go again, TRACK YOUR FOOD, if you don’t have a food tracker get online and sign up for one. www.fitday.com or www.fatsecret.com are both helpful tools for tracking your food intake. They will help you track your carbs proteins fats and even alcohol. The rest is up to you. Measure your food; see what a real portion size is. Make sure you are not under estimating the food you are eating. No tracking tool will work if all you do is estimate your food intake.

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