July 19, 2012

The tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise

Rant and Tip for July 19, 2012

Quote: “The tools that allow for optimum health are diet and exercise! “

As the quote states above it really takes both diet and exercise to achieve a weight loss goal. If I had a dollar for every person who said I want abs like yours, I would not need the donate button on my blog. They always want to know what exercises I do. I have to remind them although they may not be as developed as mine they already have the abs. They are just covered by a comfortable layer of fat and diet will bring them out. This always leads into a conversation about their diet and if they truly would rather have that bagel and donuts or the abs, sometimes they choose the bagel and donuts and that is fine. It is their choice. I have said many times to make the changes in your life you truly have to be ready.  Are you truly ready?
As I was benching yesterday some weight that I should have locked out easily for 5 on my last set of 5 felt heavier than it should have. This tells me I may be over training a bit and may need to back off and train smarter. I have not been sleeping well, except for last night when there was a break in the heat wave here in Upstate NY, and lack of sleep can really mess with the body’s ability to recover. Recovery is just as important as training. When you lift weights, you're actually tearing down muscle fibers. It's only after you've completed your workout that your muscle tissues begin the rebuilding process. To allow that process to unfold properly, give your body adequate downtime in between workouts. As a beginner, don't lift more than three or four times a week, never work the same muscle group on consecutive days, and never train a muscle group that's still sore from a prior workout. For optimal results, you also need to maintain a proper nutrition program, which calls for five or six nutrient-packed small meals a day (four, at minimum).

Have a great workout!

Tip:  You need to get enough shut-eye--at least eight hours of it. Adequate sleep keeps you mentally and physically sharp for your workouts, and the act of slumber itself accommodates the release of growth-inducing hormones.

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