May 25, 2011

Rant and Tip for May 25, 2011

 Good morning all, I am kind of stuck at 167 and want to get below 165 by next Friday. One of the things I know I am lacking in, is my water intake. Water is essential to weight loss and I mean true weight loss not just water weight. Yeah I could just not eat and drink for the next day or to and I would lose some “weight”. However most of it will be water weight and muscle. Now since I do not want to lose any muscle and next week I will be giving my muscles a well-deserved rest I can start cutting back on my protein levels. Probably down to about 150 grams and I have to start making sure I am getting at 128 ounces of water a day. Water will flush out the system and actually flushes out the toxins that are stored in the body. You body fat will store these toxins and when you loose fat these toxins are released back into the body. The other thing about water is that sometimes when you are hungry you are actually just dehydrated and need fluids. Sorry everyone coffee and soda do not count here. Pure water is what the body needs. Since I am taking creatine monohydrate, which hydrates the muscle, I will definitely need the water. Next step in the process will be to reduce my carbohydrates a little more and watch my fats. This will create a diuretic effect and since I do need to lose water weight at this point the call of the next week will be to make sure I get my water in. Of course you know what that means, YES late night trips to the bathroom. I will plan my lifts tonight at Albany Strength and start mentally preparing for the meet on June 4th.

Have a great Workout!

Tip of the day:

Since we are talking about water lets talk about how to get that much water in. If you work in an office, water bottles make it easy and you can just refill them through out the day. Keep it in front of you and you will find it is pretty easy to drink that much water. If you put a gallon jug of water in front of you it can look like a daunting task and we don’t want that.

1 comment:

  1. Check this out Jim.
